On March 6, 1912, the Oreo cookie was first marketed by Nabisco, which at the time was still operating under its former name of National Biscuit Country.
Oreos would go on to become the most popular type of cookie during the 20th century, even though Hydrox cookies were invented two years earlier.

This time-honored cookie was first brought into circulation nearly a century ago and is still a fan favorite in the United States.
Oreos were one of three new cookies or “biscuits” introduced by Nabisco in 1912 under the brand name “The Trio.”
The Mother Goose Biscuits and the Veronese Biscuits were both single-layer cookies that did not have a cream filling inside them.
Oreos were the only cookie in the Trio that was able to maintain their popularity over time. The first iteration of Oreos was virtually identical to the cookies we have today, with the exception that they were a little bigger.
Oreos have both gotten smaller and bigger as time has gone on. The current size falls somewhere in the middle of the largest and the smallest previous iterations.
Brass rollers are used to stamp the cookies with their company name and a design that looks like four-leafed clovers.
But what if you don’t eat any animals? It is safe to assume that there is a great deal of controversy surrounding the topic at hand.
Fear not, because, in the next post, we will go over numerous essential elements that will elaborate more on whether or not Oreos are suitable for vegans.
Although the original cookies are not colored, many of the flavored and special-edition Oreos are.
These variants commonly use colors like Red 3 and Yellow 5 to get the look of the cookies to match the flavor, and while they are not made from animal products, they are tested on animals.
The animals involved in such studies are often fed the artificial colors until it kills them, to see what amount of the compound is lethal, and other times they are simply killed at the end of the study.
For this reason, vegans take issue with the ingredients, even if they don’t contain animal products, and even when testing has concluded, they don’t want to support anything that has caused animals harm.
This is either the first or second ingredient, depending on the Oreo variant we’re looking at, and it presents a big issue. Processed sugar can be made using bone char, from cattle bones, as a filter.
This process bleaches the sugar to achieve the white color that most people think sugar is “supposed” to be.
Other decolorizing filters can be used, so not all processed sugars are off-limits, but it’s difficult to know what products contain vegan-friendly sugar.
When it comes to foods made by ethical vegan brands, we often trust that all of their ingredients are from the right sources.
Since Oreo doesn’t market its products as vegan, there is no reason to assume that its sugar is made using vegan processes.
Plant-Based Ingredients
For a product to be considered acceptable by many vegans, there must be a lack of ingredients that are derived directly from animals.
Plant-derived ingredients can involve questionable farming and production practices that we may prefer not to support, and Oreos contain a couple of these.
So Are Oreos Vegan?

Oreos are not considered vegan, although they do contain a lot of components that come from plants.
Among these are soy milk and vegetable oil, which contribute to the cookie’s unique gooey texture and savory flavor (You might also want to check out this Vegan-Friendly Peanut Butter And Cacao Cookies).
In addition, not only are Oreo non-GMO Project verified, but they also include gluten-free oats, which contribute to the fact that they are truly gluten-free.
Having said that, there are a few flavors that are available in the United States that cater to veganism by using vegan ingredients.
Because of this, it is up to the individual customer to perform their research when purchasing Oreos because the ingredients used in each variety may differ.
Are Oreos Gluten-Free?
As this article is being written, it is unfortunate to report that gluten-free Oreos are not yet available for purchase in the United Kingdom.
On the other hand, there are gluten-free variants of Oreos that do exist and are available for sale in the United States.
These biscuits, which are prepared using oat flour rather than wheat flour, turned out to be vegan by accident (You might be interested in checking out How To Make Vegan Gingerbread Men). This is because the oat flour replaces the wheat flour in the recipe.
Would It Be Considered Vegan If All Of The Ingredients Were Not From Animals?
It’s impossible to specify every vegan-friendly Oreo ingredient. If no animal ingredients were used, the product would be vegan.
One or more Oreo ingredients may be animal-based. Technically, veganism can be kept by using exclusively plant-based products instead of animal ingredients, however, this isn’t usually done.
Can I Try Making My Own Vegan Oreo At Home?
Vegan Oreo cookies are surprisingly simple to create and require only a few simple ingredients. All you need is wheat flour, chocolate powder, vanilla extract, sugar, nondairy margarine (or butter), and salt.
To make cookies, mix all ingredients in a bowl. Form them into ovals or balls and bake at 350°F for 20-25 minutes, or until golden brown.
Nabisco introduced the Oreo cookie in 1912. 20th-century Oreos were the most popular cookie. All Oreos vegan?
And if they are, are they permissible to consume as part of a vegan diet? Vegans oppose products containing animal products, even if they don’t.
Cattle bone char is used to filter processed sugar. Since Oreo doesn’t sell its products as vegan, its sugar isn’t vegan. The US sells gluten-free Oreos.
These biscuits are prepared using oat flour rather than wheat flour and turned out to be vegan by accident.
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